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Grelk, B.:”Beskrivelsesanvisning, – natursten, leverance B1.310”. Byggecentrum, Bips B 1.310, 2012.

Jacobsen, L., Flansbjer, M., Schouenborg, B., Grelk, B. and Smits, A.:”Expert system for dimensionering of façade cladding”. Global Stone Congress, 2010.

Christiansen, C and Grelk, B.: “Deterioration of limestone floor tiles – case studies”. 12th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Dortmund, 2009.

Malaga, K., Schouenborg, B and Grelk, B.: “Combadura y dilatación de paneles de piedra natural: ensayo y evaluación de mármol y caliza” (Bowing and expansion of natural stone panels: marble and limestone testing and assessment). Materiales de Construcción, Vol. 58, 289-290, pp. 97-112, June 2008.

Siegesmund, S. and Grelk, B.:”Das Marmor-Problem”, Naturstein No. 9, 2008.

Alnæs, L., Aasly, K.A., Schouenborg, B. and Grelk, B.: “A joint-Nordic project on application documents for natural stones”. Second International Congress ‘Dimension Stones’, May 29th-31st 2008, Carrara, Italy.

Schouenborg, B., Grelk, B. and Malaga, K.: “Testing and Assessment of Marble and Limestone (TEAM) Important Results from a Large European Research Project on Cladding Panels”, Journal of ASTM International volume 4, issue 5, May 2007.

Grelk, B., Christiansen, C., Schouenborg, B., and Malaga, K.: ”Durability of Marble Cladding – A Comprehensive Literature Review”. Journal of ASTM International volume 4, issue 4, April 2007.

Froberg, P., Grelk, B and Quvang, M.:”Beskrivelsesanvisning, – beklædninger, monteret B123”. Byggecentrum, Bips B123, 2007.

Alm, D., Kjærgaard, H.H., Hansen, K.K. and Grelk, B.: Determination of resistance to salt crystallisation on natural stone measured with ultrasonic wave”. 11th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, 5-9 June 2007, Portugal.

Mauko, A., Mirtic, B., Mladenovic, A. and Grelk, B.: ”Deterioration of the granodiorite façade – case example Maximarket, Ljubljana”, RMZ – Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol 53, No. 1, pp. 23-37, 2006.

Grelk, B., Schouenborg, B. and Malaga, K.: “Deterioration of thin marble cladding – a major international study”, Discovering Stone, issue 9, March 2006, pp 22-28.

Koch, A., Grelk, B., Siegesmund, S. 2005: „Correlation between rock properties and the in situ behavior of marble used as cladding material at buildings”. EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria: Geophysical Research Abstracts connected with a poster presentation.

Åkesson, U., Lindqvist, J.E., Schouenborg, B. and Grelk, B.: “Relationship between microstructure and bowing properties of calcite marble claddings”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, December 2005.

Alm, D., Brix, S., Howe-Rasmussen, H., Hansen, K.K., and Grelk, B. Etching and image analysis of the microstructure in marble 10th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, University of Paisley, Scotland, June 21-25, 2005.

Grelk, B., Schouenborg, B. and Brundin, Jan Anders: “Deterioration of thin marble cladding – Observations from the inspections of building with marble cladding in Europe”, Docomomo International Conference 2004 – Technical Seminars, New York, September 30th –October 2nd, 2004.

Grelk, B. and Brundin, Jan Anders: ”Granite & marble performance II – Deterioration of thin marble cladding”, Conference: Building with Stone: Granite & marble for Architectural Exteriors & monuments, Boston May 8-9th, 2004.

Grelk, B., Goltermann, P., Schouenborg, B. , Koch, A. and Alnæs, L.: “The laboratory testing of potential bowing and expansion of marble”, Dimension Stone 2004, Prague, June 14-17th, 2004

Yates, T., Brundin, J-A., Goltermann, P. and Grelk, B.: “Observations from inspection of marble cladding in Europe”, Dimension Stone 2004, Prague, June 14-17th, 2004.

Alnæs, L., Schouenborg, B., Grelk, B., Brundin, J.A., Blasi, P., Yates, T., Marini, P., Tschegg, E., Tokarz, B., Koch, A., Mladenovic, A. and Góralczyk, S.: “Influence of rock and mineral properties on bowing and strength loss of marble claddings – Discussion paper based on status of work in the TEAM-project”. 9th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Trondheim, Norway, September 9-12, 2003.

Lemvig, J., Rasmussen, J., Jensen, J.F., Olsson, M.J., Schultz, J.P., Hansen, K.K., Grelk, B.: Natural stone panels for building facades – Loss of strength caused by temperature cycles”. Proceedings of the 6th Symposium – Building Physics in the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, June 17-19, 2002.

Grelk, B. og Exner, H.: ”Marmorets mysterier”. Arkitekten nr. 9, april 2000.

Brundin, J.A., Alnæs, L., Schouenborg, B., Grelk, B.:” Deformerade fasader – ett problem att lösa”, Sten nr. 4, 1999 og Sten nr. 1, 2000.

Schouenborg, B., Grelk, B., Brundin, J.A., Alnæs, L.: Bugtningsprovning av marmor och kalksten för fasadbeklädning”. SP Rapport 2000, Nordtest-projekt 1443-99, november 2000.

Alnæs, L., Brundin, J.A., Grelk, B., Schouenborg, B.: Testing and Assessment of Marble and Limestone”. Euromarble, Proceedings of the 10th Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, October 7-9, 1999.

Villumsen, A. og Grelk, B.: “Sedimentological and Microprobe Studies of the Lime Tufas at Aastrup, Zealand”, Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelser, Årbog 1976, København, 1978.


Barbosa, R., Grelk, B., Hansen, K.K. and Wibholm, E.: “The Effects of Moisture and Temperature variations on the long term durability of polymer concrete”. 14th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, Shanghai, China. 2013

Beier, D., Grelk, B. and Claus Pedersen: “Bomben af beton tikker stadig”. Trafik og Veje, 2013. Download her

Gottlieb, C., Olsen, I., Henningsen, J.F., Rohde, T., Hansen, K.K. and Grelk, B.:”Valuation of the 12 year old concrete in the Ulkebugt bridge, Sisimiut, Greenland”. Proceedings of XXI Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Hämeenlinna, Finland 2011.

Lund, M.S., Sander, L.B., Grelk, B. and Hansen, K.:”Chloride ingress into concrete under water pressure”. Proceedings of XXI Nordic Concrete Research Symposium, Hämeenlinna, Finland 2011.

Grelk, B.: “Experience from testing of the alkali reactivity of European aggregates according to two Danish laboratory test methods”. Partner, Report 3.4, SBF52 A06022, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, October 2006.

Wigum, B.J., Pedersen, L.T., Grelk, B. and Lindgård, J.: “State-of-the-art report: Key parameters influencing the alkali aggregate reaction”. Partner, Report 2.1, SBF52 A06018, SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, October 2006

Lindqvist, J. E., Grelk, B., Boström, L., Alnæs, L., Dahl, F., Aaly, K.A. and Malaga, K.: “Resthållfasthet hos brandskadad betong”. Nordic Innovation Centre, TR 596, 2006.

Nielsen, H.O., Grelk, B. og Nymand, K.K. ”AKR – Alkalikiselreaktioner: Hvor galt kan det gå”. Dansk Vejtidsskrift februar 2004.

Jensen, F. M. and Grelk, B.: ”Farlige Alkalikiselreaktioner (AKR) og frostskader belyst ved praktiske eksempler”. Dansk Betondag, Svendborg, 2004.

Thaulow, N., Rostam, S., Kjær, U., Vincentsen, L., Poulsen, E., Eriksen, K., Grelk, B., m.fl.: “Concrete Technology”

Storebælt Publikation, København 1999.

Eriksen, K.,Geiker, M., Grelk, B., Laugesen, P., Pedersen, E.J. og Thaulow, N.: “HETEK-Frostprøvningsmetoder til bestemmelse af Højkvalitetsbetons Frostbestandighed – Funktionsprøvning versus In-Situ Observationer. Vejdirektoratet, Rapport nr. 93, 1997.

Eriksen, K., Thaulow, N. og Grelk, B.: ”Mikrodefekters indflydelse på chloridindtrængning i beton” , A/S Storebæltsforbindelsen, Øresundskonsortiet A/S og Vejdirektoratet, Rapport Nr. 75, 1996

Grelk, B. og Thaulow, N.: “Vurdering af strukturanalysen som godkendelseskriterium”, Dansk Betoninstitut A/S, April 1995

Thaulow, N. og Grelk, B.: ”Micro Defects influence on Chloride Ingress in Concrete, Phase 1.1: Preliminary Tests on Chloride Ingress by Diffusion and Penetration”, A/S Storebæltsforbindelsen, Technical Report, April 1993.

Grelk, B..: “Genbrug af frisk betonspild”, Dansk Betonforening, Publikation Nr. 32, 1988 (Dansk Betondag, 1988).

Grelk, B..: “Genbrug af frisk betonspild, State-of-the-art-Report”, Teknologisk Institut, Byggeteknik, September 1988.

Grelk, B. og Damgaard Jensen, A.: “Kvalitetsvurdering af sten til beton”, TR-projektrapport, Teknologisk Institut, Byggeteknik, 1987.

Grelk, B. “Langtidsforsøg med mørtelprismer fremstillet med forskellige danske sandtyper”, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, 1986-87.

Grelk, B. og Damgaard Jensen, A.: “Sands Alkalikiselreaktivitet – Prøvningsmetoder” , Teknologisk Institut, Byggeteknik, 1987.

Grelk, B.: “Gruskvaliteter”, Råstofkontorets Kvalitetsserie 2, Skov- og Naturstyrelsen, København, 1985.

Grelk, B., Thaulow, N., Damgaard Jensen, A. og Chatterji, S.: “Tæt flint er ikke reaktiv” , Ingeniøren, 1984.

Grelk, B., Bager, D., Sellevold, E.J., Hansen, T.C.: ”Porous aggregate: Characteristics and influence on durability and strength of concrete”, 11th Congress of Nordic Concrete Research, 17-19 August 1981, Helsinki.